What’s A Pronunciation Coach?

DID YOU KNOW THAT before you were born, you could hear the difference between the language spoken by your mother and languages spoken by other people nearby? This awareness that is deeply ingrained in you at an unconscious level. In fact, it may take some work to become aware of the differences, and to change.

There’s another kind of unconscious speech habit that is hard to change–your own speech habits. In other words, the sounds, rhythms and tone changes of our first language. We learn to make these sounds as babies when we tried to communicate with our care-takers. These are deeply ingrained, unconscious speech habits.

And we are all different. Some people need help hearing the differences between English sounds and words. Some people need help learning to recognize and produce intonation in English. And some people need help learning to pronounce the many sounds of English that aren’t in their first language.

As individuals, we are all unique. For example, some of us are fortunate and can hear the sounds and patterns of languages much more easily than the rest of us. For the rest of us, we hear and speak in new languages through the listening filter created by our first language. Our first language habits are powerful and unconscious, and sometimes we need help to raise our awareness of the differences.

HAPPILY, this is exactly what Peggy does. She will help you become more aware of the differences between English and your first language, and show you how to change.

Peggy has an expert knowledge of the way English speech works. She uses her own materials and strategies to find out what you can hear and say in English, and to discover which English sounds need more work. Peggy compares this to the sounds and tones of your first language, and helps you understand the difference. She will make sure you have effective practice exercises, and will give you assignments to help you learn to hear and produce what is missing from your English speaking.

You and Peggy will set the course goals together. Your classes will be full of active learning and discussions, and you’ll get lots of feedback on your progress toward your goals.

Peggy will give you the knowledge and exercises and experiences you need to change. Your job will be to learn, to question, to grow your understanding, and to practice, practice, practice the exercises specifically designed for you.

The training you receive, the expert feedback, the customized coursework, and the regular coaching and encouragement are all designed to make you more aware and more powerful in your speaking. You will be more aware of the pronunciations and musicality of English. You will be more aware of how to communicate more effectively and fully.

Need More Information?

If you would like to know more about Peggy, her career, and her past work, please go to her bio page.

Wish You Could Ask Some Questions?

You can! Contact Peggy to arrange an online chat about your goals and needs. Decide whether coaching is the right thing for you! Email Peggy at peggy@AmericanPronunciationCoach.com