Pronunciation Resources

My YouTube Channel

Pronouncing Vowels and Consonants

Predicting the Pronunciation of Letter ‘a’ in English Words

To B or Not to V (learning to pronounce B and V differently)

Unpredictable Pronunciations of Vowel+R in English

Pronouncing English /ae/

Hearing and Using American English Schwa

Becoming Aware of Sounds and Rhythms    Slow down and Speed Up Recordings

Pronunciation-based Listening

Using Metronomes to Teach English Rhythm and Stress

Metronomes II

Good Teaching

6 Components of Effective Pronunciation Teaching

Malcolm Knowles’ 6 Motivators for Adult Learners

Mastering Stress Patterns

Dots Word Stress Pattern Worksheets

Mastering the tongue-twister pronunciations of Eligible, Legible, Illegible

CONtract v. ConTRACT, stress moves when certain words change from noun to  verb