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Q. Why is it difficult for native speakers to understand me when I talk with them in English?

A. You are using the sound system of your first language when you speak English, which has it’s own sound system. Did you know that when we are born, our ears hear all sounds, and our brains process them all? As we interact with our caretakers, we begin to associate only some of these sounds with social interaction and our well-being. Gradually our brains learn to ignore the sounds that are unrelated to our survival, and give priority to the others that bring us shelter, food and care. We gradually organize these important sounds into systems. At a very early age, we “stop hearing” certain language sounds that we were once able to hear at birth.

Each of our brains is different. Some of us have “an ear” for the sounds of other languages, even after we’ve become adults. That means it’s easier for us to recover those forgotten sounds and use them again in a new language system. However, some of us have to work very hard to hear those sounds again and learn how to make them. We have to study the new sounds specifically and consciously before we are able to integrate them into our speech habits for the new language.

Every language has its own “mode” and “code” of sounds. The “mode” of our language is how we hold our jaw, where the tongue rests, how much we open or close our mouths, and how much we use our lips…and what we use them for. The “code” of our language is how we use pitch change, timing change, voicing change, and pausing, to construct our messages. Some languages have few code rules; English has more than most.

What’s the difference between pronunciation, intonation and fluency?

“Pronunciation” refers to how sounds and words are pronounced. In English, spelling does not always tell us how a word should be pronounced.  Sometimes the word “pronunciation” is used in a more general way to cover all aspects speaking English.  “Intonation” refers to the rise and fall of a speaker’s voice when they are talking.  Mastering intonation is critical if you are going to use English to communicate with people who are unaccustomed to your accent.  In English, intonation carries a great deal of information for the listener beyond the words. It structures our message, grammatically as well as establishing the relationships between phrases, clauses, and sentences. It also reveals a speaker’s attitude toward the topic, their emotional state and their view of what is importance. “Fluency” is a general term referring to one’s ability to express oneself easily and fully. It includes accuracy, comprehensiveness, and fluidity.  If you are fluent in a language, it’s easy for you to understand and converse, using correct grammar, intonation, and expression and it is easier for you to form your thoughts and express them in a timely way.

I’ve reached an advanced level in English but I still must repeat myself. What’s missing?

If you’ve been studying English for quite a while, and are still having problems, perhaps you are missing some fundamental, but seldom taught, parts of the English sound. “Pitch” is a change of tone, like changing notes in music. Most people can hear this, but not every English learner remembers to use it. English uses a much wider pitch range than most languages. Intonation is a series of changing tones or notes that follow a predictable pattern; the basics of these can be learned quickly. “Rhythm” and “melody” are pitch and intonation patterns adjusted across time to keep a create a regular pace. This is a skill that must be practiced physically, rather than just studied analytically.  All of this really does affect how you sound in English.

Why is it so difficult for me to understand American English speakers?

American English speakers rely heavily on word prominence or stress, and intonation and pitch, to convey meaning, and in turn, to hear the depth of another speaker’s message beyond the meaning of individual words. The rhythm of spoken English gives listeners many cues that help them follow your communication. English is such a rhythm-based language that if you put the stress on the wrong syllable in several words of a sentence, it’s possible that your native English listener will not be able to understand you. That’s because English listeners follow stress and intonation to not only understand your ideas about the topic, but also to predict the direction of your thinking and the logic of your argument. It’s not enough to know vocabulary words in English and string them together in sequence, you’ve got to master word stress and use intonation cues to be understood. The problem grows when we communicate over the phone or through recordings, because listeners can’t get extra help from visual clues, such as your facial expression, lip movement, and gestures.

What is your method for addressing my accent?

Here is my method. We start by finding out what your major interference problems are–the things you’ve brought from your first language that are affecting your sound in English too much. Together we create a plan to address each issue, starting with the most critical. Your program will include these features:

Developing Awareness: First, we’ll make sure you understand and recognize what’s causing your problem.

Instruction: Next, we’ll decide what to change and how to change it, and then work to master those elements. Is it the placement of your tongue? Is it misplaced syllable stress? Is it first language rhythm patterns that conflict with English?

Practice: We will consistently work to develop these new habits. If your problems are vowels and consonants, or stress patterns, you will have practice drills to help you develop new muscle motor habits and memories. If your goal is better intonation and rhythm, you’ll have speech-based practice.

Persistence: This is very important. Once you know what to change, and how to change, you must continue to practice your new  habits so you don’t lose them. You might choose a plan of “gradual release”, in which we have lots of contact in the beginning and then, once you have acquired the skill, we meet less and less. Or you may choose the “revisit” strategy, and after the intensive course is over, we may schedule intermittent sessions to ensure you are still using your new techniques, or help you recover them more quickly.

How do I start?

Write to me at peggy@AmericanPronunciationCoach.com We can discuss possibilities and talk about problems and solutions, scheduling possibilities, technology, and pricing.