ELLLO.org MIXERS Really Mix It Up

Fun English for learners website–I especially like their Mixers: 6 different people speaking English, some with accents, discussing the same topic, for example:  their worst haircut, or…asking someone to do them a big favor and take care of their pet.

Not only can you hear and see them speaking, you can also choose to view the transcript or not, as they speak.  Also explains idioms and difficult words they say, providing definitions and examples.  Must be a British site, because the explanations are spoken with a British accent.

You can pause the audio, back it up, and listen again, to follow their intonation patterns, or repeat to hear it again.  You can compare, for example, how New Zealanders sound compared to American English speakers…or how a Spanish speaker, speaking English, sounds compared to a native English speaker from Great Britain.

Here’s a link so you can hear for yourself:
