Never Give a Presentation Without Being Really Clear About…


I’m working with a client on giving presentations in English, his second language. We all know what can happen when you stand up in front of that sea of faces…we forget what we were going to say, we lose our train of thought. Doubly-challenging in another language.

I counsel my students to state their ONE MAIN IDEA, before they plan their presentation, as they are crafting the different sections, as they chose slides and data. State that one main idea OUT LOUD, and ask yourself each time, “What does this have to do with my one main idea?”

As you practice your presentation, pause before each part and say it again: My main point is XXXX. I’m talking about this part because it connects to my main point in this way: YYYY.

All these self-reminders will greatly increase your chances of remembering your main point when you stand up to speak. And if you can remember your ONE MAIN POINT, the rest of your supporting ideas will be easier to remember and explain. Even if you go blank for a moment, you’ll recover quicker and get back to your message more smoothly.

NEVER give a presentation without being really clear about your ONE MAIN POINT. Share on X